Companies with trade relations to the United Arab Emirates have to have commercial invoices electronically certified since March 1, 2023.

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The “Electronic Attestation Service” (eDAS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (MOFAIC) must be used for this purpose. The rule applies to all commercial invoices related to goods imports. The eDAS reference number thus generated must be noted in the import customs declaration.

eDAS not always necessary

An eDAS number or an eDAS certificate is not necessary for imports with an ATA carnet. Even for temporary imports into the UAE without an ATA carnet, it is not mandatory to use the eDAS system. Here, “invoices for customs purposes” can be used.

Further information on the eDAS system as well as on the movement of goods between the EU and the United Arab Emirates can be found on the website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria.

Source: IHK Munich and Upper Bavaria (German language only)