Once the IAEA has confirmed that Iran has carried out the first key steps to dismantle its nuclear program, the so-called Implementation Day has occurred (14th January 2016). The Regulations (EU) 2015/1861 and 2015/1862 sanctions contained relaxations are thereby finally entered into force (Decision (CFSP) 2016/37). Even after the now performed sanction easing but not all exports and all other legal transactions are allowed in or with Iran. Rather, the Iran sanctions contained continue a graduated system of prohibited and subject to licensing transactions and actions. In addition, are there where the Iran-Embargo Regulation (Regulation (EU) no. 267/2012) no explicit regulation applies, the official export control regulations, in particular the EC Dual-use regulation (Regulation (EC) no. 428/2009) and the Foreign Trade Regulations (AWV) to observe. Also all other prohibitions or licensing requirements, for example from the so-called Iran-Human Rights Regulation (Regulation (EC) no. 359/2011) shall continue to apply.

For details, see into the EUR-Lex L11/1 dated 16th January 2016