REACH is an EU regulation that governs the use of potentially hazardous chemicals. REACH procedures record and evaluate substances in terms of their hazard potential and regulate their use accordingly.

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) plays a decisive role in the evaluation of chemicals. If a certain hazard potential has been identified for a substance, ECHA issues a recommendation to add the substance in question to the list of substances subject to authorization. This list can be found in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation.

The Authorisation List

Substances listed here may only be used for specific purposes with the corresponding authorization. This must be applied for in due time.

ECHA recently recommended a total of eight chemicals for the list:

Image Source: DIHK

The EU Commission’s REACH Regulatory Committee decides whether the chemicals named actually end up on the list of substances subject to authorization.

Source: DIHK (german), ECHA