The BAFA (Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control in Germany) has published preliminary information on the revision of the notice on end-use-certificaten (EUC) on 11.08.2017 To read: “The new version of the notice on the final declaration of end use will soon be announced in the Federal “Bundesanzeiger”. These notices shall be published in advance for information purposes. The sample end-user certification can be used immediately. If you have already requested the final samples from your customers, it can still be used. For a period up to 31st. March 2018, end-use certification are accepted according to the previous samples. Appropriate end-user certification which have already been submitted are also acknowledged.

Therefore, you do not need to request and submit any new end-user declarations. Compared with the earlier notice of 12 February 2002, the scope of the armaments and goods of the Firearms Ordinance, on the one hand, and the scope of all other exports and shipments subject to authorization, are now laid down in two separate notices for reasons of clarity. In this connection, the known principles are continued in the presentation of end-use- certification. This also applies, in particular, to the exceptions to the principle of the need to provide final declarations, such as temporary exportation.”

To the complete edition (German language only):