Fees are to apply to BAFA export licenses from the start of the new year, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) has announced. Until now, these were free of charge.

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Dual-use goods affected

The fees will apply to dual-use goods (so-called dual-use goods). How high the fee will be depends on the value of the goods and will range between 159 and 315 euros. However, there are exceptions: If BAFA issues a zero notice, confirming that the goods in question are exempt from the licensing requirement, no fees will be charged. Likewise, actions and legal transactions up to 5,000 euros worth of goods remain free of charge. From 100,000,000 euros, a fee surcharge of 10,000 euros is due.

The Fee Ordinance can be viewed on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice and is also available for download in german language.

Source: Reguvis, Federal Ministry of Justice (german)