The healthcare sector in the African country of Kenya is growing rapidly. The population is demanding more and more healthcare services. This is also creating business opportunities for German companies – in the field of medical technology and logistics.

Kenya’s health sector is growing fast (Image source:

German medical technology in demand

The Kenyan healthcare sector has a high demand for medical equipment, production technology and IT integration. This is reported by Brenda Kokwaro, industry expert for the healthcare industry in Kenya, in an interview for the “Africa Business Guide” published by Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI). Private Kenyan hospitals in particular want to improve their services. High-quality products are in demand. After all, they want to be able to keep up with international healthcare facilities, the expert says.

There is also a great need for digital solutions, such as eHealth, in Kenya. There is also a lot of potential for IT companies to enrich the market with their applications.

Read the entire interview with Brenda Kokwaro in the “Africa Business Guide”.

Source: GTAI (german)