AHK Services Eastern Africa Ltd. is organizing two major trips to East Africa this autumn, aimed primarily at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The market exploration trip to Tanzania and Rwanda for companies from the civilian drone technology sector from 23 to 27 September is a funding measure of the market development program for SMEs of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). Tanzania has been using drones for many years to combat poaching, for example, while Rwanda was the first country in the world to introduce performance-based regulations for drones.  Participating companies from the field of civilian drone technology will receive comprehensive information about the markets in both countries and will also have the opportunity to network with local entrepreneurs. Click here to register (in German).

The business initiation trip to Ethiopia and Uganda focusing on water and wastewater technology is a cooperation with German Water Partnership. The event is aimed at German SMEs from the fields of pump technology, water and wastewater fittings, water treatment, wastewater technologies, water measurement and water resource management. The increasing industrialization of both economies is leading to an increased demand for water. Energy-efficient technologies in the water and wastewater industry are therefore more in demand than ever in both countries. The event will take place from 7 to 11 October. You can find the registration forms here (in German).



Source: DIHK (in German)