TUM Heilbronn invites you.
The existing TUM Connect series will be expanded this year for the first time with an additional event format. The event ‘TUM Connect meets BVMW “Kompetenznetzwerk Mittelstand”’ will kick off on 24 October 2024. Admission 17:30 – start 18:00
The focus of the event, which is planned to take place annually in future, will be the intensive discussion of a practical, overarching topic in special workshops. In addition, this format is characterised by its high relevance to practice and aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular in their everyday lives through a variety of aspects.
The first event will focus on the topic of ‘Skills shortage and AI’ and will start with an exciting keynote speech. Afterwards, participants will be able to explore various aspects of the overarching topic in greater depth with various speakers in workshops. This will result in the active, joint development of solutions, which is a central component of the event. Afterwards, there will be ample opportunity for exciting encounters and stimulating dialogue.
Participation is free of charge. Places are limited and participation is therefore dependent on binding registration. First-come, first serve!