The EU Commission has launched a consultation on electricity market design reform. It is a public consultation aimed at distribution system operators, companies from the energy sector, and representatives of ministries and national authorities, among others.

The price of electricity in the EU fluctuates enormously. The EU Commission wants to ensure more stability. Source: Pixabay
EU electricity market must become more stable
Reforms in the electricity market are needed to protect households, large as well as small companies from high fluctuations in energy prices, according to the EU Commission. At the same time, the transition to clean energy should be accelerated.
Legislative proposal before the end of this quarter
The results of the public consultation will be taken into account in the preparation of the legislative proposal.
The public consultation ends on February 13, 2023, and interested parties can fill out an online questionnaire to provide feedback. The legislative proposal will be finalized in the first quarter of this year. The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) criticizes the Commission’s haste, saying it leaves little time for a sound impact assessment.
Sources: European Commission, DIHK (german)