Anyone who continues to submit PDFs to the US Patent and Trademark Office USPTO in 2023 must expect an extra fee. The authority asks customers to use the “Patent Center” and to work with DOCX documents. The USPTO offers online courses to help.

Benefits of DOCX

The switch to DOCX startet last May. The new function should not only make patent applications more secure, but also easier. Before the patent application is sent, applicants have the option of having the document checked automatically. In this way, errors can be corrected in advance and time can be saved for processing by the USPTO.

Beginning January 1, 2023, the USPTO will charge a $400 surcharge if a DOCX format is not used. It is therefore advisable to familiarize yourself with the new offer before the deadline, if you have not already done so.

For an easier switch

You need help using the new option? You can find helpful information on the USPTO website, in a video tutorial about filling out the DOCX in the Patent Center or in the webinars offered. In addition, the USPTO offers many other webinars, for example one that provides basic knowledge about the patent application process.


Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office