The World Trade Organisation (WTO) recognises three types of trade defence instruments that can be introduced against imports from non-EU countries under certain conditions. There is a separate WTO agreement for each of these instruments, which is implemented by EU regulations:

Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures are directed against unfair trade practices (dumping or subsidisation). Safeguard measures are designed to give a particular industry time to adjust to a significant increase in imports. To initiate an investigation and subsequently impose trade defence measures, there must be sufficient evidence of unfair practices or a significant increase in imports

Prerequisites for the introduction of measures

The following conditions must be met cumulatively:

  • There must be evidence that imports are dumped (anti-dumping measures) or subsidised (anti-subsidy measures).
  • There must be injury, i.e. the dumped or subsidised imports have a significant negative impact on the economic situation of the EU industry concerned – not just on individual producers).
  • There must be a causal link between the dumped or subsidised imports and the injury suffered by the EU industry concerned.
  • The anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures must be in the Union’s interest. This is generally the case if the aforementioned conditions are met. If there are exceptional circumstances, the Union interest may not be given, e.g. if measures would lead to disproportionate disadvantages for the users of the imported goods.

If the conditions are met, the Commission initiates the investigation procedure.

If a measure has been taken, it will be re-examined upon expiry of its validity and the review procedure will be initiated.


Review procedure from 19 December 2024

Tableware and other ceramic articles for table or kitchen use from the PRC

(1)Review procedure of 19 December 2024

Candles (lights) and the like originating in the People’s Republic of China

(2) Investigation procedure of 19 December 2024

Valine originating in the People’s Republic of China

(3) Investigation procedure of 19 December 2024

Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins originating in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan

(4) Investigation procedure of 19 December 2024

Alloying elements based on manganese and silicon (country-independent)


Further review and investigation procedures from December 2024