Nine EU member states have agreed on a voluntarily applicable, standardised and digital registration form for postings between these states (eDeclaration).

The aim of this new format under posting law is to improve and simplify posting procedures and thus reduce the hurdles under posting law. This is because small and medium-sized companies in particular face major bureaucratic challenges due to the sometimes very different organisation of the legal requirements for the posting of workers in the individual EU member states. For this reason, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary have published a joint declaration of intent. This contains a definitive and exhaustive maximum list of the information required as part of the posting declaration. Information can then be requested from five categories:

  1. the service provider (e.g. name of the posting company, type of posting)
  2. information on the posted worker (e.g. name, date of birth)
  3. information relating to the posting (e.g. expected duration)
  4. information on the contact person in the host country (Art. 9 para. 1 Directive 2014/67/EU)
  5. information on the service recipient (e.g. name and address).

In addition, the creation of an EU-wide standardised registration portal is being sought. The intention is to also be able to provide proof of social insurance (A1 certificate) via this portal.

Since 1 July 2024, new regulations for the notification of employee postings in the cross-border provision of services in the Czech Republic have already been in force.

Source: GTAI publication 06/2024 and 07/2024 (German Language)