Strategic Interconnection and Transmission Lines

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is considering supporting an energy sector project in Peru with a EUR 123 million loan.

The aim of the project is to expand the electricity interconnector between Ecuador and Peru as well as other important power lines. By increasing the share of renewable energies, energy efficiency and security of supply are to be improved.

This project is part of the EU’s Global Gateway connectivity initiative.

Further information on the planned project can be found on the EIB website.

GTAI provides information about the EIB*: Priorities, regulations and practical advice on initiating business.

Total costs: 246 million euros (expected)

Donor contribution: 123 million euros (expected; loan)

Contact addresses

*The EIB represents the economic interests of the EU by lending to all member states and supports the EU’s development and co-operation policy with investments in third countries.

European Investment Bank

To other tenders -> via the GTAI member page (German language)

Electricity transmission, distribution and grids in Ecuador (German language) 

Rehabilitation and hybrid expansion of a hydropower plant in TOGO (German language)

Source: GTAI Newsletter 08/2024