DEHST (Federal Environment Agency German Emissions Trading Authority ) informed on 20.12.2024 among other things in German language

Below we quote from the publication:

“Portal for operators of installations in third countries will be online from 1 January 2025

On 1 January 2025, the European Commission will activate access to the portal for operators of installations in third countries (Operators of Third Countries Installations Portal, O3CI portal). This portal is part of the CBAM register for the control phase and enables installation operators from third countries to deposit their emissions data and make it available to CBAM notifiers on an individual basis. In the long term, this offers the opportunity to reduce the administrative burden, as CBAM notifiers can access the data required for their CBAM report directly via the CBAM register.

From 1 January 2025, operators of installations from third countries will be able to register in the O3CI portal.

If you are a CBAM notifier, we recommend that you inform plant operators from third countries from which you source your CBAM goods about the possibility of registering in the O3CI portal. The legal basis can be found in Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2023/956. Further information on the O3CI portal is expected shortly from the European Commission. Please visit the CBAM website of the European Commission and the DEHSt website regularly to stay informed.

You will also find new factsheets for non-EU producers of CBAM goods on the European Commission’s CBAM website under ‘Sectoral Information’. These are available in various languages and can support you in communicating with plant operators from third countries.’”

Taxation and Customs Union: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

DEHST Carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)

Transitional Registry

Source: DEHST (Umweltbundesamt Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle)

In the German version of our article ‘CBAM – DEHST – Zulassungsverfahren, Checkliste und weitere Hinweise” – we quote all 3 points of the publication
1. delayed provision of the application for authorisation for CBAM applicants in the CBAM register due to delays in the legislative process of the European Commission
2. changes in the CBAM transitional register from 30 November 2024 and new supporting documents on the European Commission website
3. portal for operators of installations in third countries will be online from 01.01.2025