A local transport line is being built on the Indonesian tourist island. Further major railway projects are planned. Foreign expertise is in demand.

Bali is getting its first railway line. In the coming weeks and months, the provincial government of Bali, in cooperation with the National Planning Authority Bappenas, plans to publish the tenders. Construction work is scheduled to begin in 2024 or 2025.

The railway line will run partly underground and run from Ngurah Rai International Airport northwards through the tourist centre of Kuta via several stations to Canggu, around 10 kilometres away from the airport.

Consortia from China, South Korea and Europe are bidding for the project. Siemens is one of the interested parties involved. The feasibility study was carried out by Korean National Railways. The costs for the 6 kilometre long first construction section from the airport to Sunset Road in Kuta are estimated at between 600 million and 900 million US dollars (US$).

Source GTAI (German langugage)