Algeria has defined the conditions for the customs clearance of used agricultural equipment and materials as well as entire production lines with Decree No. 24/241. It is new and (dated 24 July 2024) regulates the customs clearance of used agricultural equipment and production machinery.

Accordingly, used agricultural equipment up to an age of seven years may be released for free circulation. The maximum age for used tractors has therefore been raised from five to seven years. A maximum age of five years applies to production lines.

Agricultural equipment includes, for example, tractors, sowing and harvesting machines, feed technology and horse transporters. Production lines, on the other hand, are defined as homogeneous equipment used for the extraction, manufacture or packaging of products.

A certificate issued by the responsible director of the Algerian ‘Wilaya’ is a prerequisite for import. For this purpose, an electronic application must be submitted by the economic operator, including the accompanying documentation. A sample application can be found in Annex 1 of Decree No. 24/241. Furthermore, a conformity check must be carried out by a body accredited by the ‘Organisme Algérien d’Accréditation’ (ALGERAC). The test is intended to ensure that the products to be imported do not pose a risk to safety, health or the environment.

The provisions of Executive Decree No. 20-312 of 15 November 2020 on the import of used production lines have been repealed.

Source: GTAI-News (German)

Dekret No. 24/241