The EU and Singapore want to cooperate more closely on digitalization. The foundation for this was laid at the EU-ASEAN summit last December in the form of a digital partnership. But what does the new partnership mean?

Singapore is a highly developed economy. In the future, there will be closer exchange with the EU on the subject of digitization. (Image Source: Pixabay)
Artificial intelligence, digital trade and digital customs clearance
The digital partnership between the EU and Singapore stands for more exchange and cooperation on digitalization topics. Specifically, for example, joint research is to be conducted on artificial intelligence (AI). Submarine telecommunications via undersea cables is also on the agenda. It is to be part of the sustainable digital infrastructure linking the EU and Southeast Asia. Advancing digital customs is also a goal of the partnership. It is intended to further facilitate digital trade.
To the press release of the European Commission
Source: DIHK (german)