On 26 April 2024, the EU Commission submitted the proposals for decisions on the provisional application and the conclusion of the Association Agreement with San Marino and Andorra to the Council of the EU. As soon as the Council approves the proposals, the agreement will be signed and then passed on to the European Parliament for a final ratification vote.

The pact aims to give both countries improved access to the EU single market on an equal competitive platform to advance the state of relations with the European Union. There are also plans for closer cooperation in the fields of education, research and development, culture, social policy, environmental protection, and consumer protection. Market participation in financial services, on the other hand, is to be introduced gradually, if the supervisory and regulatory frameworks of the states of Andorra and San Marino can guarantee sufficient stability. The jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice is set as the dispute resolution mechanism for the consistent interpretation and application of the Agreement.

The EU has been conducting concrete negotiations on an Association Agreement with Andorra, Monaco, and San Marino since December 2014. Since January 2022, the EU Commission has been authorized to conduct the negotiations.


Source: European Commission